Sure, you might think that smoking actually alleviates you from the aggressors and stressors of everyday life: You're having a tough day at work. You go out for a smoke. You and a friend have fallen out. You go out for a smoke. Perhaps... you just need to smoke to feel something. But, what impact is this having on your mental health?
Well, let's light this candle 🕯
Studies have shown that anxiety and depression often decrease after giving up cigarettes. Some people feel calmer and more relaxed when they aren't dependent on cigarettes. Some even go to say their quality of life is much, much better!
After quitting nicotine, you'll feel more energetic. Once you quit, you'll quickly notice changes in your physical wellbeing. Within a few days, your body rids itself of all poisonous carbon monoxide gas that are found in cigarette smoke. Within the first few weeks of quitting, your blood circulation improves: This makes all physical activity, including walking and running much easier. Meaning,
you'll have heaps more energy!

Next time a smoker tells you that nicotine helps them ‘wind down’ at night, cover your ears.
Nicotine is actually a speedy stimulant, increasing the alertness and activity in your brain. ‘If you’re bored, sleepy or tired, nicotine will act as a stimulant to help you feel more alert and awake’ says Amanda Holm MPH, tobacco treatment manager at Henry Ford Health System. Nicotine is not just a one-off imposter in your bedtime routine, but it has also been proven to trigger or aggravate sleeping conditions. One of the main effects is a shortened ‘deep-sleep’ phase of your snoozing session;
Sleeprate have revealed that chronic smokers spend more time in ‘light sleep’ particularly during the early parts of the night. In a research published by
Healthline, it’s been revealed that the average adult only spends 110 minutes on average in that much-needed ‘deep sleep’ phase!
That doesn’t sound like much, right? With nicotine considerably reducing that time, there is no wonder why experts actively advise against its consumption before bedtime.

On average, smokers can save between a thousand to three thousand annually (depending where they live) by quitting the a pack-a-day habit. Heavier smokers can save even more by quitting. Smoking causes many kinds of health problems, which result in higher healthcare expenses for smokers. Some health insurance and life insurance plans also give discounts to non-smokers, meaning you can save a heap of money on premiums!
Sooooooooo... Essentially, our recommendation is that you make the right decision and refrain from purchasing cigarettes. Not only for your mental wellbeing but for the sake of your wallet.
If you are looking for an alternative, we highly recommend checking out
Mighty Max, our cult-favourite for those who are on a quitting journey. The selection includes our favourites: